dave beck







3d scene from calvin and hobbes in maya by matt elser
Keith Catalano

3d model of a macy's parade balloon done in maya by sijia zheng
Tiffany Truttmann

teaching > modeling for games

In these advanced courses, students focus on hard-surface modeling for 3D game asset creation. This incorporates a directed-study approach in low-poly modeling, UV-layout, and texturing. You can see select turntables of these projects here.

3d model of a macy's parade balloon done in maya by cody vinson
Andy Bensen

3d model of a macy's parade balloon done in maya by brian pliner
Kevin Veldhouse

3d model of m1075 army truck done in maya by jeff wincek
Jeff Wincek


www.davebeck.org   © copyright dave beck 2012